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Great Service

Looks great and fits perfect with the WPG 1910 canteen and cup, love it!
WW1 mounted Canteen cover

An excellent reproduction. I have placed it side by side with my original and other than time they are identical. I now use this regularly when I go riding as well as when reenacting as it is durable and attaches to the saddle easily.
just like originals

Seem perfect reproduction. I have one of the "Officers Leather canteen carriers" which I use riding for years. I think this one will prove just as durable.
Good product and serrvice!

Good fast service and good solid reproduction: should hold up to hard use. Many Thanks!
US M1917 Mounted Canteen cover for Cavalry

Such a good reproduction that I have retired my original from use. Sturdy and dependable. I use it for normal trail riding as well as reenacting. It is an almost perfect match to my original, except it looks like new issue instead of being worn and faded.
Ragan - US