Early British WWII KD trousers (2013-11-12)
Well made but my 38 is very large in the hips and legs. 2-3 inches larger in the thigh compared to other military trousers of the period. Nearly 2 inches larger than the WPG mid-war KD. So taking them in at the outer leg would leave it full in the hip. Taking it in at the inner seam probably best but that is more major surgery. Leg tapers to a cuff that should not go smaller. Unless the early KD was indeed very blousy, I would change to the same shape as the mid-war KD, except the latter is about 2 inches to small at the waist band only. That will be explained on the review for that garment.

Neuenburg - US
Satisfied (2013-05-12)
Even if the trousers come with the button hole not opened I think the fabric, manufacturing and color are good.
Very fine respect of the original model.

Berto - IT
British KD trousers (2013-02-05)
Excellent repro, good fit for the size, nice quality and very comfortable. Can''t wait to wear them.

Przemek - Poland

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