US WWII HBT Coveralls (2011-06-14)
These are awesome. Everyone take note. Read the reviews. If you normally wear a 46 Jacket, order these coveralls a size 48. I washed them once in hot water to get the perfect fit. They were on sale for $45.00. I made out like a bandit! I have seen virtually the same coverall on at least three other web sites (BTS, ATF, DDQM) that are known for reasonable pricing, at prices from $80 - $125. WWII Imp wants $165, and man... do they look like the same stuff to me!

Speer - US
US HBT Coveralls (2011-06-08)
I received the U.S. tanker coveralls and the tanker receiver headset. The 100% cotton coveralls (with the correct buttons) are very well-made and sturdy. The headset is great for looks, non-functional, as advertised, but looks fantastic in a tanker helmet.
The speedy service was also very much appreciated.

Bisares - US
US HBT Coveralls (2011-06-01)
A fantastic reproduction

Groenendyk - AU

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