These boots/shoes wear well and are comfortable. I''ve had mine for over a year and put over 100 miles on them in all weather except snow, including two 15 mile marches through the New Mexico desert as part of the Bataan Memorial Death March. Put a gel insole in them and you won''t have any problem. If you plan do to serious walking in these like I do it''s best to experiment with socks and insoles. My right foot is larger than my left and I found that a gel insole in the right shoe lifted my foot too much so the rear of my heel rubbed against the molded rear of the shoe, with painful results after 4-5 hours of walking. Moleskin under the heel and ball of the foot is also recommended. If you''re simply standing around a thin insole and comfortable socks will work well.
I''ve had mine for over a year and put over 100 miles on them in all weather except snow, including two 15 mile marches through the New Mexico desert as part of the Bataan Memorial Death March. Put a gel insole in them and you won''t have any problem.
If you plan do to serious walking in these like I do it''s best to experiment with socks and insoles. My right foot is larger than my left and I found that a gel insole in the right shoe lifted my foot too much so the rear of my heel rubbed against the molded rear of the shoe, with painful results after 4-5 hours of walking. Moleskin under the heel and ball of the foot is also recommended.
If you''re simply standing around a thin insole and comfortable socks will work well.
Jeff - Cany, OR