Fast Delivery (2017-08-23)
Good item, it was a bit dirty on the inside with finger prints from the person that fabricated it, would be nice if it was cleaned prior to shipping. I will have to do some work with the button on the canvas cover, it is sewn too tightly on and very difficult to release through the button hole. The brass button itself is actually a bit to sharp-edges and tore through the threading around the button hole. I may find a better button to replace the original one.

Corsetti - CA
Will be a Return Customer (2017-03-07)
Arrived in good time. Great addition for my Aussie WW1 Equipment display.

Durrant - AU
Curator Prince Edward Island Regiment Museum (2017-01-23)
Great uniforms. Looking forward to having two cadets on parade with on. And later on display.

Gallant - CA

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