British Army early type MkII Helmet Chinstrap (as new/ copy) (2014-04-17)
- A nicely made addition to my "mickey mouse" (orig) camo Helmet (that I've had for about 15 years) - never prev. got around to finding a replacement f/ that which was missing
- These days, I guess most of the originals are gone/ horded ("you snooze/ you lose"); BUT this is the next best thing to one of the prev. common old-stock originals (Jerry has a good sense in having great quality reproductions made for (original) items that are quickly disappearing)
- Made just as well as any original was (recommend these !)

Reus - US
early war mkii helmet chin strap (2014-02-11)
Really good construction and good finish to the metal. Strongly recommend this product.

Brian Moore - US
British Mk II Early War Helmet Chinstrap (Reproduction) (2014-01-03)
Excellent reproduction,in an excellent price!

Levedakis - GR

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