Good helmet. But please improve your quality control on the snaps. Why should I pay that much for it to get here and multiple snaps fall off and I have to repair. Shoddy quality control
M1938 Tanker Helmet fits my big head
This is a very decent reproduction helmet for its price. Any all the other offerings on the market are too small for me. Besides the online reviews, I am please with the potential for me to repaint and equip to my liking.
One of the most common complaints is the snaps on the straps at the back. Those are poorly installed, and yes, they came off for me too. But I am handy and will replace the snaps in due time.
I am also impressed with the radio head sets. They look very authentic. And who cares if they do not work? For those of you who have original carbon element head phones and microphones, did you really ever use them?Figure somegthing out with a blue tooth wireless system and get them working.
By the way, I also paired up with an original M1 Steel pot. The fit is perfect.
Very nice reproduction. Closet I will ever get to a real one. Very comfortable to wear and looks great on! Makes a fine addition to my headwear when I play solitaire wargames. Well done WPG!!
Docks - US