(UK) Canadian Army P-37 Equip "Braces" (shoulder straps) (2014-04-17)
- These 2-pc X strap pairs are slightly mis-matched, but I imagine they were issued that way (one mfg. made ½ half/ another
firm made the “loop’ ½) these were probably crated that way, in any case, few (conscript) militaries probably could have cared
less about such things (- now "matching" is only more really valued among “picky” Militaria collectors) Though I have 1 “matched set” from a Militaria Show, these will Do (are ok) “On Mannequin” (one set was the “best” with the other (as luck would have it) having most of the tip brass corrosion on the outer front tips ! - will show, on-display unless cleaned) Maybe I’ll just mask-off & spray paint (all of) the
tips BRASS (colour, as they say) . . .
- These are another case for “hand select“ (as in NO brass tip corrosion !)
- Several pcs had minor weaving flaws which is often common on “mills” woven items
- Still vastly better than the poorly made copies

Reus - US
ww2 Canadian braces (2014-02-21)
excellent condition WW2 Canadian marked as expected, securely packed, excellent communications

Rhodes - CA
SUPER! (2014-02-11)
Brelage canadien en état neuf !


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